Dec 23, 2006

Feliz Navidad.

The Merriest of Christmases to you, Gentle Reader.

By this time tomorrow night (Lord willing) we will be cooling our heels in Reno. I will be soaking up the love only provided by a certain six & three year olds (even if part of it is motivated by the fact that Auntie brings presents. Good presents.).

We will be going online to check Santa's progress on NORAD.

Oh, and of course, wrapping presents till midnight, since the ones i'm bringing for Typhoid Harry, er..Brendan to open can't be wrapped and put in my luggage.

I will read "The Polar Express." And probably cry.

The six year old and i will play endless games of "I Spy" in his many books.

I will take endless pictures until the three year old tells me i'm "agg-a-vating" her. Good thing i brought lots of nickles & quarters. i'm likely gonna have to pay for the privilege.

But most of all, i will be basking in the goodness of a Father who has blessed me beyond reason (and beyond what i deserve) with my family.

And with your friendship.

Wishing you a peaceful, magical Christmas.


Jody said...

Merry Nitty.Gritty. Christmas to you and yours. Thanks for reading my blog. Enjoy this special holiday.

Melissa said...

Oh, so the "I Spy" games don't end when they turn six.


Merry Christmas! And keep those coins on hand for lotsa pictures!

Susie Q said...

Hope your husband is feeling better by now! We all have sonething but hey,,,ir us going around right? : ) Hey Valerie? I have one of those husbands too...: ) Little boys in grown up skin.
Hey! You should be safely in Reno...AND playing I Spy and having a great Christmas!
Stay well and safe.
Merry Christmas!
Sue and the gang

Pat said...

Merry Christmas!

Jolene George said...

For some reason I couldn't comment for the past few days so I'm hoping this works. I 've been thinking about you and hoping you had a wonderful Christmas with your family.
...and thank you for sending me a picture of that old barn. It's a great one. I love the vines growing on it. Have safe travels home.