Mar 26, 2006

no really - DOES it get any better than this?

* laundry done

* grocery shopping done

* made a super-yummy breakfast burrito

* accompanied by an equally yummy diet Coke with lotsa ice & fresh lime (in my HUGE new mug from Disneyland: it has Stitch on it with my mantra "Mornings Aren't Pretty.")

*and i'm watching "The Shadow" on tv. (OK - it's one of the dumbest movies around. but it's entertaining, and better than watching the newsshows & getting frustrated by all they say.)

* oh, and Hubbs & i are off to an beyond super yummy excelsior dinner at Ruth's Chris Steak House. (if you ever have the opportunity to go to one, do so. words cannot describe how yummy their food is. and if you're a carnivore like us, it's the next best thing to heaven on earth)

* i am happy. i am lucky. i am blessed. i hope you have as good a life as i am right now.

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