Jan 9, 2008

well, there you have it.

i got this email from my friend yesterday, with this link.

you'll stare at first, then laugh.

and, if you're like me, you'll wonder HOW IN THE WORLD DID THESE CHICKS COME UP WITH THIS IDEA??!!!!

(quick background information: when i was in high school, i joined this organization: the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls. every year, we have a convention where the adult advisory board members of each chapter nominate a girl they feel would make an excellent state officer {hence why you see those girls wearing hoops, formals with their hair up looking funky}. this video came from last year's convention)

man. watching this, i was back to being a stupid, weird 16 year old chick, who, while not as boy-crazy as her friends, was still wishing for a chance to wear that hoop, formal and hairpiece, sitting as a state officer at Grand Assembly.

to learn more, visit your public library, or you can visit here.


Pat said...

Oh my!....God Bless America - Please!

Susie Q said...

I was just coming by to see if you were still alive!! I have been worried about you! Feel better yet??
All snotted out?

I am off to check the link you posted...sounds intriguing!

Love ya,