Mar 14, 2008

living in the afterglow.


Keith was...
and really, really cute.

we had beyond killer seats. three rows up from the floor. he had a catwalk set up that ended up at a small stage that was really close to us.


someone had brought a sign that they had made: "5th concert - $500. travel to concerts: 1,000 miles. a kiss from Keith: priceless."

after the second song, he stopped and read it aloud, then said, 'well, i can't give you a kiss because i'm married, but would you settle for a hug?'

um, sure! so he jumped off the stage, went up to where she was sitting, grabbed her by the hand and brought her up stage. he hugged her. he talked to her. she was practically peeing her pants.

i would be, too.

a little later on in the concert, he once again jumped off the stage, went up into the crowd, finished playing, then turned to his handler, got a silver Sharpie, signed the guitar and handed it to a guy in the crowd.

hole-lee crap.

he's beyond cool.

i've got pictures. i will post later. going home and back to the rat race tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

kewl! So glad you had a great time. Can't wait to see the pics.


doodlebugmom said...

very cool! I can't wait to see the pictures :)

Tug said...

HOLY COW. I'd have stroked out, seriously. And had to have security walk me to my car with a SIGNED GUITAR? Wow. So glad you had a blast - not that there was ever any doubt. ;-)

Anonymous said...

That is always cool when you get such great seats to see someone you like so much. Glad you enjoyed yourself.

Pat said...

Awww....just shoot me. now.
(I'll be ok - it's a good day for being green...)
Hee hee - glad you had a great time!