Jul 27, 2008

cheers & jeers

remember that from TV Guide? (or actually they DO still run it, whatever) the reviewer would cheer & jeer (duh) the best and worst of TV that week.

once again, art imitates life.

Mike's is having a 50% off sale on their Cricut cartridges.
they won't have anything i want, just what i do have.

the Cricut.
oooops. i've been calling it a cree-cut. found out it's really cricket. d'oh.

the price of gas is coming down a little here under the Smogberry Trees.
dagnabbit, it's still over $4/gallon

i survived the layoffs at work.
rumor is, there's another one possibly coming down the pike, but this one will be company wide.
hey - we're bleeding money, i guess you gotta do something to stop it. and dang it, the severance package now won't be nearly as generous as this last one. time for me to get my sign made up 'Vietnam Vet, Homeless, God Bless,' and find my space on the freeway's off ramp.

B's new car - sweet.
car payments. less than sweet.

OPI's Russian Navy nail polish. it's blue, it's purple, it's dark.
what they charge for pedicures hereabouts.

got laundry done today - and early, too.
the dang battery in my car died at the laundromat. off to Kragen for a new one. aren't cars fun?

what, are you crazy? even with Weight Watchers, i ain't bagging on the 'cicle.

in 9 days, i'll be off to Reno. oh dang. gotta see people i love and take pictures of them.
besides the joy of airport security, there ARE no jeers.

i still love the camera. and yes, i AM picking photos now that i want to enter in the fair next year.
have you priced a macro lens for one of these babies? geeeeeeeeezzzzz. i'm thinking of selling a kidney to finance it.

BBQing steaks on the patio.
the downstairs neighbor, Dickey McPooPooHead, had a tantrum when we were starting the coals because we had embers popping. and this with Brendan standing there with the lid over the coals, trying to keep the popping down. apparently we were also BBQing the neighbor's cat.
Mr. McPooPooHead was truly like a four year old having a temper tantrum, who yelled at Brendan, then slammed the door to his apartment. he has since avoided us like the plague.

wait...that could really be considered a cheer.

p.s. - the cat is fine.


Tug said...

I'm glad you're picking out pics for next year - YAY YOU!!

(I got a call Friday from our corporate office that I will receive 'a bombshell' this coming Tuesday. I was then told by someone else up there 'keep an open mind' {ugh, that can't be good}...'we know you're a key employee'...and NOTHING.ELSE. Shit)

Anonymous said...

You are random aren't you? Where DO you come up with these things? I swear you are a little crazy woman!


Melissa said...

Jeers - we have no Mike's within a reasonable distance of my house! So I can't even in good conscience ask for an new cartridge for my birthday!

Cheers - We bought gas for $3.60 yesterday! Who'd have thought that would get a cheer?

smileymamaT said...

oh well at least gas went down! Ours dropped to 3.99 and we almost peed our pants. LOL
Wish I coulda seen Mr. McPooPooHead have a tantrum. Now THAT would be entertaining.